CFD jsou složité nástroje, při jejichž obchodování je vysoké riziko, že rychle ztratíte peníze kvůli použité páce. 77% účtů retailových investorů utrpí finanční ztrátu při obchodování CFD s tímto poskytovatelem.
Měli byste dobře zvážit, zda rozumíte, jak CFD fungují a zda si můžete dovolit podstoupit vysoké riziko ztráty svých peněz.

CFD jsou složité nástroje, při jejichž obchodování je vysoké riziko, že rychle ztratíte peníze kvůli použité páce. 77% účtů retailových investorů utrpí finanční ztrátu při obchodování CFD s tímto poskytovatelem.
Měli byste dobře zvážit, zda rozumíte, jak CFD fungují a zda si můžete dovolit podstoupit vysoké riziko ztráty svých peněz.

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10 Tips

A beginner guide meant to get traders started on the right track regarding how to think about the markets.


10 Tips

How to Trade CFDs

What are CFDs? What are the risks? The opportunities and advantages? This guide answers those questions to help traders properly evaluate CFD trading.


How to Trade CFDs

How to Trade Forex

An introduction to the basic terminology of the forex market, as well as the mechanics of how to trade. For those completely new to the forex market and to trading, this guide may be of interest.

How to Trade Forex

How to trade forex

Market Trends

Understanding trends is a key concept in technical analysis; it is an element upon which other aspects of market forecasting is built. Start your education in market forecasting the right way with this guide.

Market Trends

Support & Resistance

If trends are a key concept in market forecasting, support and resistance are a building block to understanding trends. Mastery of support and resistance is a skill virtually all technical traders rely heavily on. This guide is designed to help you get started on that path.

Support & Resistance

Chart Patterns

After one understands support and resistance and as well as basic trend theory, chart patterns are the next natural subject to learn. Chart patterns can illuminate trends in formation, as well as providing reasonable warnings of when trends may end or reverse.

Chart Patterns

Building Watchlists

Once one has secured an edge in the markets, the next step is to apply that edge in a consistent manner. This guide deals with the practical matter of determining how to identify opportunities to trade that are consistent with the trader's approach and identified edge in the markets.

Building Watchlists

MT4 Tips & Tricks

MT4, the most common trading platform used in the forex market, offers traders a great deal of functionality. Understanding a few key tips and tricks can help traders save time and more efficiently execute their trading strategy.


MT4 Tips & Tricks

Candlestick Patterns

Candlestick analysis, a centuries-old technique originating in Japan, is commonly used by many of the world's most successful forex traders today. This guide explains the basics of reading candlesticks, as well as key patterns and what they reveal about supply and demand in the market.

Candlestick Patterns


Price Action Trading

Price action trading is a way of analyzing price charts without overlaying indicators on top. This guide reveals the basics of this style of analysis, and explains why it can be so powerful in understanding precisely when big moves will occur.


Price Action Trading
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