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Open short positions on stocks without incurring borrowing fees.
Why trade stocks with CFDs?
Trade CFDs on popular global shares, without the complexities of physical ownership.
Trade both directions
Benefit from potential price movements in either direction by going long or short.
Leverage up to 5:1
Access position sizes up to $1,000 with a deposit of $200.
Global market access
Gain exposure to the world’s largest companies from around the world.
Stock trading scenarios
$200 per stock
100 stocks
$200 ×100 =$20,000
$20,000 / 5 = $4,000
Your research tells you that TSLA’s stock price is going to rise.
$202 per stock
=(Exit price - entry price) x Trade size
=(202 -200) ×100
=2 ×100
Profit $200
$198 per stock
=(Exit price - entry price) x Trade size
=(198 -200) ×100
=-2 ×100
Loss $200