Crypto Trading Articles
Improve your cryptocurrency knowledge by learning the basics of what they are and how you can trade them.

Articles (9)

What is cryptocurrency, and how does crypto work?
<p paraeid="{4d1335ab-25a5-4f9b-bc5f-b52c5bd8b8d2}{203}" paraid="1031262227">Ever since Bitcoin was launched in 2009, "to buy or not to buy" has become almost as quintessential as "to be or not to be". Fast forward to today, where we have access to thousands of cryptocurrencies, and the question turns into "to buy or not to buy what exactly?". <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{4d1335ab-25a5-4f9b-bc5f-b52c5bd8b8d2}{217}" paraid="980772721">In this article, we'll go through the basics of crypto, exploring how they work and why they’re a popular form of currency. </p> <h2>What is crypto?</h2> <p>Cryptocurrency, or crypto, is a digital currency that has no physical form. Think of your regular bank account – quite often, you don't see the money coming in or out of it. You get your funds transferred to you electronically. When you use your bank card to pay for goods and services, the money gets deducted from your account and transferred to other establishments electronically as well. Crypto is exactly that – a currency that exists only in digital form.<br /> <br /> You cannot withdraw crypto from an ATM as you normally withdraw cash using your credit or debit card. That is to say, crypto ATMs exist too, but their functionality differs from cash ATMs. With a crypto ATM, you can exchange regular money, also called fiat, for cryptocurrency or vice versa. However, since crypto has no physical form, it cannot be withdrawn.<br /> <br /> The other significant difference between crypto and traditional currencies is decentralisation. Unlike fiat money, controlled by financial institutions and governments, most digital currencies are decentralised and not controlled by anyone. Moreover, there is also no centralised place to store crypto transactions – they are recorded on a public network of thousands of computers, called a blockchain.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/c95da2d2-2b02-40ac-b465-1b7818b3903d/article-what-is-crypto-table.webp" /></p> <h2>What is blockchain?</h2> <p>Imagine a company has a large book of accounts to keep a record of all their expenses, income and other documents to verify payments. Blockchain is pretty much like that – a digital ledger that keeps track of all cryptocurrency transactions that have ever happened. The difference is that this ledger is not kept within an accounting team – everyone in the crypto world can access it. However, if this ledger were an excel file, this public access would be limited to 'View only'. No one gets the 'Edit' access – not the accounting team, not even the CEO, to continue the company analogy. That's what makes crypto transactions so secure – the participants can access the public record and check its validity, but they cannot alter it to their own benefit.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/6148fbb6-b663-45d8-9018-60056a65fff3/article-what-is-crypto-blockchain.webp" /><br /> <br /> It may seem a little controversial – if everyone has access to everything, they can easily access sensitive data, too, right? Not quite. The reality couldn't be further from this. Let's see how it works.</p> <h2>Private and public key</h2> <p>Every person taking part in a crypto transaction has a set of two keys – a private and a public key. Both keys are unique combinations of numbers and letters that give access to certain functions.<br /> <br /> A private key is like a password to your online bank account – you don't want to share it with anyone because it gives access to all your funds. With crypto, a private key is the equivalent of a password to your crypto wallet. No one on the blockchain can access other participants' private keys, and it is crucial to keep them secure.<br /> </p> <p paraeid="{c99b8bfb-4ef6-44c4-bfc8-6cf20fc28ed3}{146}" paraid="2059569509">A public key is like a bank account number or, in this case, a digital wallet address where crypto assets are stored. It is public and can be accessed by anyone, just as you would share your bank account number so someone can transfer funds to it. Everyone can also see how much money the wallet contains. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{c99b8bfb-4ef6-44c4-bfc8-6cf20fc28ed3}{166}" paraid="103957184">Every cryptocurrency transaction is secured through cryptographic techniques: the sender authorises the transaction with their private key, creating a digital signature. This signature, along with the transaction details, is verified on the network using the sender's public key but without disclosing the private key itself. Once confirmed and added to the blockchain, the funds are controlled by the recipient, who can then create new transactions with their own private key. </p> <p><br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/38bb8c28-d885-4058-9669-84015964bedf/article-what-is-crypto-keys.webp" /><br /> <br /> So, due to public key accessibility, everyone in the blockchain network can see when a transaction happens and that X amount of crypto has been moved from wallet A to wallet B. However, since no one can access the receiver's private key, they can only 'View' this transaction but not 'Edit' it.<br /> <br /> This process also plays an important role in cryptocurrency mining.</p> <h2>What is crypto mining?</h2> <p>All the transactions stored on a blockchain are grouped into blocks that are connected into a chain – that's where the name comes from. In a nutshell, mining means verifying these transactions, putting them together in blocks and adding these blocks to the blockchain.<br /> <br /> There are different types of blockchains and methods of transaction validation. Bitcoin blockchain, for example, uses a system that is called Proof-of-work. As Bitcoin is arguably the most popular virtual currency, and many other cryptocurrencies are mined the same way, we'll take Proof-of-Work as an example to explain how mining generally works.<br /> <br /> Whenever a new transaction gets signed off by a sender, it is distributed to the network. At this point, this transaction is still unconfirmed. A miner picks it up and checks whether it's authentic. Using a public key, miners can determine whether the transaction has been signed off by a sender and ensure that the sender owns the required amount of crypto.<br /> <br /> That's a simplified explanation. What actually happens in the background is complex mathematical equations that a miner needs to solve.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/0fad863e-a334-4cf2-9d26-0341c390e618/article-what-is-crypto-mining.webp" /><br /> <br /> Crypto mining requires advanced hardware and software. This, in turn, uses up a lot of energy. That's why hypothetically, anyone can become a crypto miner, but not everyone has the resources for it. However, the crypto mining industry is still very competitive due to its incentive – successful miners are rewarded with new coins. Bitcoin miners, for example, receive several Bitcoins every time they add a new block, so the reward makes the work worth it.<br /> <br /> If we compare the mining process with a company's book of accounts, a miner would be an accountant who checks all the transactions and adds a new page to the book.</p> <h2>Why is crypto secure?</h2> <p>As we already discussed, decentralisation and cryptography make cryptocurrencies very secure. The former provides transparency by keeping all the records public, while the latter protects sensitive information. In reality, cryptography plays a bigger role in protecting cryptocurrency.<br /> <br /> When a miner collects enough transactions to form a new block and solves a mathematical equation, the block becomes part of the chain. The links connecting one block to another are also cryptographically encoded and are nearly impossible to hack.<br /> <br /> Each new block has a piece of code from the previous block within it. Imagine three blocks of different colours – block A is blue, block B is yellow, and block C is red. The way cryptography works, block B wouldn't be entirely yellow – it would have a spot of blue. The red block would have a spot of yellow, a spot of blue, and so on. The different colour spots within each block are the code that gets transferred down the chain as new blocks are created.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/56af9d6e-ef73-43b8-a34f-05d099c13fe7/article-what-is-crypto-secure.webp" /><br /> <br /> Altering just one transaction within a block would change its colour (code), and all the consequent blocks would be affected in a domino effect. Since all this data is public, it would be immediately noticed by the network. Moreover, altering a transaction would require so much computing power that the cost would exceed the potential reward. This mechanism also solves the double-spending problem – everyone can see that a certain Bitcoin or a part of it has already been transferred to someone, so the sender cannot transfer it to someone else again.</p> <h3>What about all the crypto hacks that happen occasionally?</h3> <p>Unfortunately, they do happen, but in most cases, a cryptocurrency hack happens when private keys are not secured properly and get stolen. However, it is extremely hard to distribute the stolen crypto in a network where everyone can track transactions, so most hackers get caught eventually.<br /> <br /> Hence, if you own cryptocurrency, one of your main goals is to protect your private key at all costs. However, there are alternative ways to make crypto work for you – you can take advantage of cryptocurrency's volatility and trade digital coins without buying them via CFDs. Check out our <a href="/en/trading-academy/crypto/how-to-trade-crypto">How to trade crypto</a> article to find out more details about it.</p>

How to trade crypto
<p>Crypto trading is surrounded by a lot of myths that scare away many people. Some think it’s expensive; others are concerned about its unpredictability. Quite often, these myths stem from a lack of understanding of cryptocurrency’s nature. After all, the cryptocurrency market is different from other financial markets. For one, cryptocurrencies have no physical form, so they can't change hands like gold or foreign currencies.<br /> <br /> In this article, we’ll explain the difference between crypto trading and investing and focus on one of the most popular ways to trade crypto – CFD trading. If you need to brush up on the basics of crypto, you can check out our <a href="/en/trading-academy/crypto/what-is-cryptocurrency">What is cryptocurrency, and how does crypto work</a> article before diving into cryptocurrency trading.</p> <h2>Crypto trading vs crypto investing</h2> <p> When looking to gain access to the crypto market, there are three possible scenarios to choose from: <br /> </p> <p>1. Buy and hold for an extended period of time to profit from the price increase.<br /> <br /> 2. Buy and sell regularly to profit from small price increases – crypto day trading.<br /> <br /> 3. Trade on the price movements with derivatives like CFDs.<br /> </p> <p paraeid="{4ae88016-a75c-44a6-af82-0cf7723ac87b}{215}" paraid="2140074582">Whenever buying the asset outright, as is the case with option 1, that's know as investing, and it can require substantial investment to make a considerable profit. It’s a strategy that has worked well for many when Bitcoin’s price was steadily climbing. However, investors are also the first to take the hit when crypto prices drop. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{d7a63124-0b4c-4d34-80ee-1a17bba0613f}{28}" paraid="1728185531">The second and third options – trading cryptocurrency with CFDs, requires a much smaller amount of capital to start and can be beneficial even during crypto crashes. Moreover, CFD traders don't need to worry about having a crypto wallet or guarding their private key – they only need a trading account with an online broker.</p> <p><br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/40c7c01b-71b7-4c56-b2c9-c5fff357b984/article-how-to-trade-crypto-trading-vs-investing.webp" /></p> <h2>How to trade crypto with CFDs</h2> <p>Contracts for difference, or CFDs, are one of the most popular forms of derivative trading – allowing you to speculate on price movements without owning the underlying asset. If you are not familiar with derivative trading, check out our <a href="/en/trading-academy/cfds/what-are-cfds">CFD trading: a beginner’s guide</a><a href="/en/trading-academy/cfds/what-are-cfds"> </a>where we explain it in detail.</p> <p paraeid="{d7a63124-0b4c-4d34-80ee-1a17bba0613f}{120}" paraid="428144058">Many traders open and close contracts within the same day to avoid trading fees for holding a contract open overnight. However, although CFDs do incur overnight fees, they do not expire and can be used for a long-term strategy. </p> <p paraeid="{d7a63124-0b4c-4d34-80ee-1a17bba0613f}{164}" paraid="2122396469">When you trade on a cryptocurrency or any other financial market with CFDs, you can open two types of positions: long or short. </p> <h3>Going long</h3> <p>Traders open long (buy) positions when their research indicates that the price will increase. Let's say you decide to trade on Bitcoin. The current price is USD 22,500. You open a long position, and the price goes up to USD 22,600. The difference – USD 100 – is your profit. If the price drops to 22,400 instead, the USD 100 would become your loss.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/86eb405f-c7a7-4f80-91ba-8afdd17618ed/article-how-to-trade-crypto-long.webp" /></p> <h3>Going short</h3> <p>In a reverse scenario, when traders anticipate the price to drop, they open short (sell) positions. Let's say your research says that Bitcoin will depreciate soon, and you open a short position. Since you don't own any Bitcoin when you trade CFDs, you are not actually selling it; it's just that – opening a sell contract.<br /> <br /> If the price drops to USD 22,400, the USD 100 difference is your profit. However, if your research was incorrect and the price goes up to USD 22,600 instead, the USD 100 becomes your loss.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/948368c3-9740-4b83-a7f1-f687a12f1053/article-how-to-trade-crypto-short.webp" /><br /> <br /> To protect themselves from sudden unexpected price jumps, traders use risk management tools, such as stop loss and take profit. We explain how they work in our CFD trading guide, too.</p> <h2>What are the benefits of trading crypto with CFDs?</h2> <p>Crypto CFD trading is quickly gaining popularity for various reasons. Here are some of them:</p> <h3>Demo account</h3> <p>While you can't practice buying crypto, you can always create a demo account to test your CFD trading skills. Almost every trading platform nowadays offers free-of-charge and <a href="/en/demo-account">risk-free demo accounts</a> with functionality identical to real money accounts.</p> <h3>Leverage</h3> <p>CFD trading usually comes with leverage – borrowed funds from a broker to open larger positions. Depending on how big your leverage is, all you need to do is put down a small deposit, called a margin, to open a trade. If your trade is successful, your profit multiplies. However, in a losing trade, the loss multiplies too. That's why using risk management tools is crucial in every trading strategy.</p> <h3>Weekend trading</h3> <p>Since cryptocurrencies are not subject to following any centralised institutions, the crypto market is available for trading round the clock, even when the other markets are closed.</p> <h3>Trading on rising and falling markets</h3> <p>As you can see in our previous example, it doesn't matter whether the price goes up or down – for a CFD trader, both options are good. That's why when crypto owners hold their breath during yet another roller coaster ride their cryptocurrency experiences, CFD traders welcome both dips and rises with open arms.</p> <h3>Multiple trading opportunities</h3> <p>Those rollercoaster rides happen quite often – the market is relatively new and very volatile. When you trade crypto with CFDs, the more often the prices go up and down, and the bigger the swings are, the more trading opportunities it presents. However, rapid price movements can potentially result in losses too. That's why, as we mentioned previously, using <a href="/en/trading-academy/cfds/risk-management-tools-in-cfd-trading">risk management tools in CFD trading</a><a href="/en/trading-academy/cfds/risk-management-tools-in-cfd-trading"> </a>is extremely important.</p> <h2>Most popular cryptocurrencies to trade</h2> <p>The list of the most popular cryptocurrencies is very fluid, as some coins fall in and out of favour for one reason or another.<br /> <br /> Here are some of the most popular cryptocurrencies that are often mentioned in the top 5 and top 10 lists:<br /> </p> <ul> <li>Bitcoin (BTC)</li> <li>Ethereum (ETH)</li> <li>Binance coin (BNB)</li> <li>Ripple (XRP)</li> <li>Cardano (ADA)</li> <li>Dogecoin (DOGE)</li> </ul> <p><br /> Keep in mind that for CFD traders, the actual investment you make plays a less important role than for investors because CFD trades are leveraged. For example, with ThinkMarkets, you can trade Bitcoin CFDs with up to 50:1 leverage. This means that you only need to deposit 1/50th of its price to open a position.<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/fcc0aad4-48bf-4bc0-bb8e-4ae92023bdb8/article-how-to-trade-crypto-capital.webp" /><br /> <br /> Moreover, if the required capital is larger than you are ready to allocate for a trade, you can always open smaller trades – as small as 0.01 of a full lot (which is one Bitcoin), and you'd need just a small amount for a deposit.<br /> <br /> Smaller trades usually work well for beginner traders, allowing them to practice using risk management tools without risking too much of their budget. Another alternative for beginners is to open a demo account and practice trading with virtual funds.<br /> <br /> Demo accounts can also be very useful for testing trading strategies. However, to build a good strategy, a trader first needs to understand what exactly drives the cryptocurrency prices up or down to avoid missing trading opportunities. Head to our <a href="/en/trading-academy/crypto/what-affects-crypto-prices">What affects crypto prices</a> article, to find out the main factors behind crypto volatility.</p>

What affects crypto prices?
<p>The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. It was first established in 2009 with the invention of bitcoin, but the world has already witnessed quite a few large spikes and plunges of various digital currencies. It may be bad news for cryptocurrency investors, whose goal is to build up profit on increasing prices, but if you trade cryptocurrency with CFDs, it’s a land of potential opportunities.<br /> <br /> In this article, we’ll explore the main factors driving crypto prices up and down and examine the Bitcoin case study that made headlines at some point.</p> <h2>The main drivers of the cryptocurrency market</h2> <p>In terms of factors affecting price movements, the crypto market is no different than any other financial market as it depends on cryptocurrency supply and demand.</p> <p paraeid="{d4ca0ffb-e5c5-479c-95a6-5d91711657d0}{27}" paraid="319051773">In some cases, it's quite straightforward. For example, one of the reasons Bitcoin is so popular is that its circulating supply is limited to 21 million coins. This limit cannot be changed because it has been encoded into it upon its creation. It means that just like any other scarce asset with demand exceeding supply, Bitcoin is supposed to grow in value, and makes a volatile alternative to holding ever deprecating fiat currency. </p> <p paraeid="{d4ca0ffb-e5c5-479c-95a6-5d91711657d0}{57}" paraid="2052867750">However, when the first cryptocurrency dropped from an all-time high of nearly USD 70,000 to a little over USD 16,000 in just a year, it became clear that cryptocurrencies are still a very speculative asset class and demand for it is not as stable as that for gold, for example. <br /> <br /> Here are the main factors that play a role in the price formation of cryptocurrencies:<br /> <br /> <img alt="" src="/getmedia/7ba7c6f7-7451-470a-9a00-d76618203a86/what-affects-crypto-prices_1.png?width=550&height=295" style="width: 550px; height: 295px;" /></p> <h3>Stock market</h3> <p>It may not seem intuitive, but when the stock market goes down, so does crypto. The explanation is quite simple – people steer clear of risky instruments like cryptocurrencies when there’s a market downturn and buy safe-haven instruments like gold, which drives crypto prices down.</p> <h3>Regulations</h3> <p>Any regulation that can be perceived as strengthening crypto's security and trust usually has an almost immediate positive effect on its prices. On the other hand, any negative news, such as new policies regulating cryptocurrency or crypto bans in some countries, brings its prices down.</p> <h3>Social media</h3> <p>The social media hype around some cryptocurrencies has proven to be very influential on their prices on multiple occasions. Elon Musk's tweets alone have caused quite a few upward and downward movements.</p> <h3>Security concerns and crypto collapses</h3> <p>Security breaches and the collapses of the cryptocurrency exchanges like FTX have a strong negative effect on the entire crypto market. Many people start panic selling their crypto assets, driving the prices down and creating a lot of trading opportunities for CFD traders who are looking to speculate on the price movements of cryptocurrencies.</p> <h2>How the drivers of cryptocurrency prices work</h2> <p>All the factors we've discussed above can be very influential on their own, but usually, it's a combination of several of them that causes significant moves. Let's see how it works using Bitcoin as an example.</p> <h3>How did Bitcoin reach the all-time high?</h3> <p>In a series of events in 2021, Bitcoin made headlines reaching an all-time high of nearly USD 70,000. Here is a timeline of events and factors that played a major role in it:<br /> <br /> <strong>March, 2021</strong><br /> As 2021 has been marked by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the US government released the third and largest stimulus check to support the economy and reduce the financial strain on consumers and businesses. People pile into Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation, out of boredom, and as they can’t spend their money on holiday trips and clothes as usual.<br /> <br /> <strong>July, 2021</strong><br /> After some back-and-forth contemplation on his decision, Elon Musk announced that Tesla will likely start accepting payments in Bitcoin after all.<br /> <br /> <strong>September, 2021</strong><br /> El Salvador became the first country in the world to use Bitcoin as a legal tender, requiring all businesses to accept it as a form of payment.<br /> <br /> <strong>October, 2021</strong><br /> The first Bitcoin exchange-traded fund, ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF, was approved and launched in the US.<br /> <br /> <strong>November, 2021</strong><br /> Bitcoin developers released Taproot – the largest system upgrade in four years, designed to expand its functionality and decrease transaction fees.<br /> <br /> All in all, US traders were left with spare money in their hands and a lot of indicators suggesting Bitcoin’s positive outlook. As the capital invested in this promising crypto coin grew, attracting investors from other countries across the world, its price reached an impressive USD 67,566.83.</p> <h2>How did Bitcoin fall from its all-time high?</h2> <p>Inspired by its quick rise, some analytics predicted Bitcoin’s rally to continue. However, the end of 2021 brought a grim end to it. Here is the chronology of the main factors and events that influenced Bitcoin’s decline:<br /> <br /> <strong>November, 2021</strong><br /> Crippled by the pandemic, economies have reported the fastest inflation surge since 1982.<br /> <br /> <strong>December, 2021</strong><br /> The US intelligence released reports about Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine.<br /> <br /> <strong>January, 2022</strong><br /> Russia's central bank proposed to ban the use and mining of cryptocurrencies, following the example of eight other countries, including China, that have already imposed a full crypto ban.<br /> <br /> <strong>February, 2022</strong><br /> Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, throwing global stock market into turmoil.<br /> <br /> <strong>March, 2022</strong><br /> Six months after El Salvador's Bitcoin adoption, reports revealed that cryptocurrency usage in the country remained very low, and the plan was likely to fail.<br /> <br /> <strong>Second quarter</strong><br /> Concerns about the high energy consumption required for Bitcoin mining and its negative environmental effects increased and intensified.<br /> <br /> <strong>End of the second quarter</strong><br /> Tesla sold 75% of its Bitcoin.<br /> <br /> As a result of these events, the world was left with a crashing stock market, a very pessimistic outlook on its future development and several indicators suggesting that crypto was not doing well. <br /> <br /> Cryptocurrency holders started turning towards safer investment options and selling their volatile and risky Bitcoin, driving its price down to a mark below USD 20,000.<br /> <br /> Today Bitcoin’s future remains unclear, with some analysts being very optimistic and some not expecting much. However, the number of trading opportunities these bull and bear runs presented for CFD traders is beyond imaginable.<br /> <br /> It's worth noting that most cryptocurrencies usually experience a domino effect, whether their prices rise or fall. Like stock indices belonging to the same industry, the price movements of different cryptocurrencies are often correlated. In the wake of Bitcoin's rise, many other digital coins also went up, and its crash caused their consecutive crash. That's why when looking for a trading opportunity on a certain cryptocurrency, it's worth checking a few others, as they may have potential too.</p> <h2>Market sentiment</h2> <p>All the main factors influencing cryptocurrency pricing have something in common – market sentiment. Digital coins are purely speculative and don't have an underlying asset to determine cryptocurrency values. For stocks, for example, it's a company's performance; for commodities, it's actual physical assets.<br /> <br /> That's why besides actual events influencing crypto prices, there is always an element of public perception of them. One good example of this influence is Dogecoin. Created as a sarcastic meme coin, this cryptocurrency gained over 600% in value, followed by a large drop, just because of the hype created by Elon Musk and other influential figures on social media.<br /> <br /> These are just a few examples that may explain what’s behind the highly volatile cryptocurrency market. Any hands-on trader can probably name a few more factors, but for new traders, it is not a bad idea to stick to basics at the beginning of their crypto journey. Practising your skills on a <a href="">demo account</a> can also help improve your knowledge.<br /> </p>

What is the Bitcoin Halving Event?
<p>Bitcoin is arguably the most popular cryptocurrency in the world. News on this coin affects BTC’s price and sets forth a wave of price swings in other cryptocurrencies. That is why crypto traders are all waiting in baited anticipation for the Bitcoin Halving event.<br /> <br /> Occurring every 4 years, the Bitcoin Halving event is pivotal for Bitcoin’s network protocol and the entirety of the cryptocurrency market. In essence, the event reduces the reward given to Bitcoin miners for validating transactions on the blockchain. This reduction is hard coded into the Bitcoin protocol to ensure a predictable and controlled supply of BTC over time.<br /> <br /> The Bitcoin Halving, often called the heartbeat of the Bitcoin network, plays an important role in regulating the inflation rate of BTC. This controlled supply is what differentiates BTC from traditional fiat currencies, where central banks and governments can print more money should the need arise.<br /> <img alt="Picture1.png" src="/getmedia/e4681d7c-abe2-4766-97c5-ac66fcc6d1ae/Academy-Market-events-What-is-bitcoin-halving-event.webp" style="width: 480px; height: 270px;" title="Picture1.png" /></p> <p>When Satoshi Nakamoto created BTC in 2009, he specified that the total supply of BTC would be capped at 21 million coins. To gradually introduce new Bitcoins into circulation and incentivise miners to secure the network, a reward system was implemented. Initially set at 50 bitcoins per block, this reward is halved approximately every four years, or after every 210,000 blocks mined.<br /> <br /> As a result, the issuance rate of new bitcoins decreases over time, leading to a gradual reduction in the rate of Bitcoin supply growth.</p> <h2>Impact of Bitcoin Halving Event</h2> <p>The scheduled Halving events have a direct impact on the Bitcoin supply. With each event, the number of new bitcoins that enter the market is effectively cut in half. This reduction mechanism adds value to Bitcoin as it is protected against inflation.<br /> <br /> Many investors use this coin as a hedge against inflation, citing its ability to preserve purchasing power over time. In addition to this, changes in the supply dynamics influence the price expectations and market sentiment, creating major price volatility leading up to and following each Halving event.<br /> <br /> The limited supply and scarcity of Bitcoin increases its investor appeal, bringing the price upwards.</p> <h2>Overview of Historical Bitcoin Halving Events</h2> <p>Since its inception, there have been three Bitcoin Halving events with the next scheduled around April 18-19, 2024:</p> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <th>Date</th> <th>Pre-halving reward</th> <th>Post-halving reward</th> </tr> <tr> <td>November 2012</td> <td>50 bitcoins</td> <td>5 bitcoins</td> </tr> <tr> <td>July 2016</td> <td>25 bitcoins</td> <td>12.5 bitcoins</td> </tr> <tr> <td>May 2020</td> <td>12.5 bitcoins</td> <td>6.25 bitcoins</td> </tr> <tr> <td>April 2024</td> <td>6.25 bitcoins</td> <td>3.125 bitcoins</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Check out our article on the previous Bitcoin Halving events and the impact on the price of BTC here.<br /> <br /> Trade the 2024 Bitcoin Halving event with ThinkMarkets now. Access 50:1 leverage, market-leading tight spreads, and 24/7 client support team.</p>

Decoding Bitcoin Halvings: A Historical Look at Price Patterns
<p paraeid="{be5484a1-04bf-49d6-9422-2c52efe2209d}{207}" paraid="521337786">The Bitcoin Halving event is a scheduled protocol that occurs every 4 years in the Bitcoin blockchain system that cuts a miner’s rewards by half, effectively controlling the supply inflation. </p> <p paraeid="{be5484a1-04bf-49d6-9422-2c52efe2209d}{217}" paraid="1738663072">The first three Bitcoin Halving events had a significant impact on the cryptocurrency market’s history. If you’re looking to trade the 2024 Bitcoin Halving event, it’s crucial to look at historical data and identify any similar patterns. </p> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Halving Event</td> <td>Date</td> <td>Block Reward Before Halving</td> <td>Block Reward After Halving</td> </tr> <tr> <td>1st Halving</td> <td>November 2012</td> <td>50 BTC</td> <td>25 BTC</td> </tr> <tr> <td>2nd Halving</td> <td>July 2016</td> <td>25 BTC</td> <td>12.5 BTC</td> </tr> <tr> <td>3rd Halving</td> <td>May 2020</td> <td>12.5 BTC</td> <td>6.25 BTC</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p paraeid="{2e203898-fe0d-4a35-b4c3-e6f9004cca0d}{134}" paraid="2060973884">Here, we’ve outlined the historical price movements of Bitcoin. We’ll be looking at the average closing price of BTC 3 months before and after the Halving event. </p> <p paraeid="{2e203898-fe0d-4a35-b4c3-e6f9004cca0d}{160}" paraid="1748032745">All data is from StatMuse. </p> <h2 paraeid="{2e203898-fe0d-4a35-b4c3-e6f9004cca0d}{170}" paraid="1354479776">First Halving (November 2012) </h2> <p paraeid="{2e203898-fe0d-4a35-b4c3-e6f9004cca0d}{180}" paraid="1722657036">Leading up to the first Halving, Bitcoin's price saw gradual increases. In the months that followed, the price experienced significant growth, marking the beginning of a prolonged bullish phase. </p> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>August 2012</td> <td>September 2012</td> <td>October 2012</td> <td>November 2012</td> <td>December 2012</td> <td>January 2013</td> <td>February 2013</td> </tr> <tr> <td>$10.91</td> <td>$12.36</td> <td>$11.77</td> <td>$12.45</td> <td>$13.33</td> <td>$15.38</td> <td>$25.58</td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{43}" paraid="930690934">The initial Halving event set a precedent for how Bitcoin's price could respond to reduced block rewards. In the short term, volatility was evident, with price fluctuations leading up to and immediately following the Halving. </p> <p paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{69}" paraid="2110744758">However, the long-term effect was a substantial increase in Bitcoin's price. This trend was attributed to the reduced rate of new Bitcoin entering the market, creating a scarcity that, alongside growing awareness and adoption of Bitcoin, drove prices up significantly over the following year. </p> <h2 paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{79}" paraid="1374391257">Second Halving (July 2016) </h2> <p paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{93}" paraid="161665470">The period before the second Halving was characterised by steady growth. Post-Halving, the price initially remained stable before embarking on a notable upward trajectory, eventually leading to unprecedented highs in late 2017. </p> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>April 2016</td> <td>May 2016</td> <td>June 2016</td> <td>July 2016</td> <td>August 2016</td> <td>September 2016</td> <td>October 2016</td> </tr> <tr> <td>$448.32</td> <td>$461.95</td> <td>$642.87</td> <td>$661.36</td> <td>$579.59</td> <td>$605.85</td> <td>$700.97</td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{219}" paraid="800232351">Similar to the first, the second Halving event was followed by a period of short-term volatility. However, the long-term trend was overwhelmingly positive. The year following the Halving saw a remarkable bull run, culminating in a then-all-time high towards the end of 2017 ($4,006.03). </p> <p paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{231}" paraid="1433194142">This surge was fueled by increased investor interest, the growing utility of Bitcoin, and broader market speculation. </p> <h2 paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{237}" paraid="254152464">Third Halving (May 2020) </h2> <p paraeid="{2a92c082-d29a-4079-9ac3-c5737cf51b6b}{251}" paraid="648731874">Prior to the third Halving, Bitcoin's price was recovering from a market downturn, presumably due to the COVID lockdowns. Following the Halving, the price stabilised and then surged, contributing to a bull market that peaked in early 2021. </p> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>February 2020</td> <td>March 2020</td> <td>April 2020</td> <td>May 2020</td> <td>June 2020</td> <td>July 2020</td> <td>August 2020</td> </tr> <tr> <td>$9,663.64</td> <td>$6,884.03</td> <td>$7,240.84</td> <td>$9,268.51</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$11,653.75</td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p paraeid="{3fd6ec28-72e1-4810-a40d-75944d1a1e7a}{134}" paraid="894512290">The most recent Halving event occurred during a year marked by global economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 virus. Despite initial concerns, Bitcoin's price not only remained stable but also began a significant upward trend in the months following the Halving. </p> <p paraeid="{3fd6ec28-72e1-4810-a40d-75944d1a1e7a}{148}" paraid="851095680">This growth continued into 2021, reaching new all-time highs, with BTC peaking at $69k. The third Halving solidified the notion that such events are a precursor to bullish market cycles for Bitcoin, driven by a combination of scarcity and increasing demand. </p> <p paraeid="{3fd6ec28-72e1-4810-a40d-75944d1a1e7a}{156}" paraid="795444340">These analyses highlight a pattern of increasing interest and investment in Bitcoin around Halving events, often resulting in significant price movements. Market sentiment and investor behaviour play critical roles in shaping the price movements of Bitcoin around Halving events. </p> <p paraeid="{3fd6ec28-72e1-4810-a40d-75944d1a1e7a}{184}" paraid="1273263002">Each Halving has been accompanied by a mix of speculative anticipation and strategic investment, influencing short-term volatility and long-term price trends. </p> <p paraeid="{3fd6ec28-72e1-4810-a40d-75944d1a1e7a}{194}" paraid="1905781713">In conclusion, the last three Halving events have demonstrated a pattern of volatility followed by a long-term bullish trend. It’s essential that traders looking to follow the Bitcoin Halving event do extensive market research before opening short or long positions. </p> <p paraeid="{3fd6ec28-72e1-4810-a40d-75944d1a1e7a}{210}" paraid="438273659">Trade the 2024 Bitcoin Halving Event with a safe and secure broker now. Experience 24/7 trading, instant execution, and high leverage. </p>

Beyond Bitcoin: Trading Altcoins During the BTC Halving Event
<p>The Bitcoin Halving is a momentous event in the world of cryptocurrencies. Occurring every four years, it reduces the reward for mining Bitcoin transactions by half in an effort to control the supply of BTC. This mimics the scarcity-driven value preservation similar to precious metals such as gold and silver.<br /> <br /> The Halving event separates BTC from fiat currencies where central banks and governments can simply print more money and thus subject to inflationary pressure. The mechanism has been known to significantly influence the price of BTC as investors see long-term value in the coin. Learn more about what the Bitcoin Halving Event is here.<br /> <br /> However, the Bitcoin Halving event is not isolated on BTC charts. In the case of Ethereum, for instance, traders and investors have fixed ideas of how much one ETH should be worth against BTC. If BTC gains by X, then ETH also needs to gain by X amount.<br /> <br /> In this article, we’ll discuss the ripple effect of Bitcoin Halving among altcoins, such as Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Cardano (ADA), and Binance Coin (BNB).<br /> <br /> As Bitcoin is arguably the most popular cryptocurrency, it’s no wonder that all altcoins have strong ties to it. BTC price movements, such as dumps, regulations and br eaking news, have an influence on altcoins.</p> <h2>Bitcoin Halving event’s effect on Altcoins</h2> <p>The Halving event often triggers speculative activity. The reduced supply post-halving has historically led to price increases, drawing investor attention not only to Bitcoin, but also to altcoins as alternative investment opportunities.<br /> <br /> Bitcoin miners may also shift their attention towards more profitable altcoins as BTC decreases their rewards. This influx affects the mining dynamics, security, and transaction processing speed of an altcoin’s network, increasing its investor appeal and valuation.<br /> <br /> Lastly, the media coverage surrounding the Bitcoin Halving event increases the mass appeal of cryptocurrencies. The heightened public interest attracts new investors, some of which may prefer exploring altcoins over Bitcoin and expanding the cryptocurrency world’s general liquidity.<br /> <br /> Let’s look at the price movements of famous altcoins ETH, XRP, ADA, and BNB during the third Bitcoin Halving event.</p> <h2>Third Halving (May 2020)</h2> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Coin</td> <td>Feb 2020</td> <td>Mar 2020</td> <td>Apr 2020</td> <td>May 2020</td> <td>Jun 2020</td> <td>Jul 2020</td> <td>Aug 2020</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BTC</td> <td>$9,663.64</td> <td>$6,884.03</td> <td>$7,240.84</td> <td>$9,268.51</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$9,610.55</td> <td>$11,653.75</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ETH</td> <td>$217.43</td> <td>$132.80</td> <td>$206.18</td> <td>$231.69</td> <td>$225.59</td> <td>$346.38</td> <td>$434.06</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XRP</td> <td>$0.21150</td> <td>$0.21150</td> <td>$0.17530</td> <td>$0.25940</td> <td>$0.28110</td> <td>$0.24180</td> <td>$0.23780</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ADA</td> <td>$0.0471</td> <td>$0.0305</td> <td>$0.0474</td> <td>$0.0743</td> <td>$0.0832</td> <td>$0.1390</td> <td>$0.1224</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BNB</td> <td>$19.25</td> <td>$12.55</td> <td>$17.02</td> <td>$17.12</td> <td>$15.41</td> <td>$20.67</td> <td>$23.14</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <h2>Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin Halving</h2> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>Coin</td> <td>Feb 2020</td> <td>Mar 2020</td> <td>Apr 2020</td> <td>May 2020</td> <td>Jun 2020</td> <td>Jul 2020</td> <td>Aug 2020</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BTC</td> <td>$9,663.64</td> <td>$6,884.03</td> <td>$7,240.84</td> <td>$9,268.51</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$9,610.55</td> <td>$11,653.75</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ETH</td> <td>$217.43</td> <td>$132.80</td> <td>$206.18</td> <td>$231.69</td> <td>$225.59</td> <td>$346.38</td> <td>$434.06</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Ethereum's price movements around the Bitcoin halving in May 2020 show a significant trend. Before the Halving, ETH experienced a dip in March 2020. It should be noted that this was a global phenomenon. Financial markets crashed due to the imposed lockdowns caused by COVID-19.<br /> <br /> However, as the Halving approached, ETH began to recover, with the price in April bouncing by a whopping 55.26%. Just three months after the Halving, ETH showed a substantial increase in value, averaging $434.06, an 87.35% climb.<br /> <br /> This price movement indicates that Ethereum is considered as a complementary asset to Bitcoin, with its own fundamentals but ultimately, still riding the wave of increased crypto valuation.</p> <h2>Ripple (XRP) and Bitcoin Halving</h2> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>BTC</td> <td>$9,663.64</td> <td>$6,884.03</td> <td>$7,240.84</td> <td>$9,268.51</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$9,610.55</td> <td>$11,653.75</td> </tr> <tr> <td>XRP</td> <td>$0.21150</td> <td>$0.21150</td> <td>$0.17530</td> <td>$0.25940</td> <td>$0.28110</td> <td>$0.24180</td> <td>$0.23780</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Ripple (XRP) also suffered from the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 lockdowns. There was a steady decrease in price from February to March. However, during the month of the Bitcoin Halving Event, XRP’s price surged by 47.97%, averaging $0.25940 in May.<br /> <br /> Following the event, XRP continued to experience moderate volatility, experiencing an uptick in June before declining in the months after. This pattern suggests that while XRP does react to Bitcoin's Halving event, it also operates under the influence of its own market dynamics and fundamentals.</p> <h2>Cardano (ADA) and Bitcoin Halving</h2> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>BTC</td> <td>$9,663.64</td> <td>$6,884.03</td> <td>$7,240.84</td> <td>$9,268.51</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$9,610.55</td> <td>$11,653.75</td> </tr> <tr> <td>ADA</td> <td>$0.0471</td> <td>$0.0305</td> <td>$0.0474</td> <td>$0.0743</td> <td>$0.0832</td> <td>$0.1390</td> <td>$0.1224</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Cardano (ADA) had a positive response around the third Bitcoin Halving event. Before the event, ADA was relatively stable, averaging $0.0471 and $0.0474. However, in the immediate aftermath of the Halving, ADA’s price significantly jumped by 56.75%.<br /> <br /> ADA’s positive correlation with the Bitcoin Halving event continued in the following months, with ADA averaging $0.1224, a 158.23% jump just three months after. This strong performance could indicate increased investor confidence in alternative cryptocurrencies and a search for potential high-growth assets within the crypto space.</p> <h2>Binance Coin (BNB) and Bitcoin Halving</h2> <style type="text/css">table { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; } td, th { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #dddddd; } </style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>BTC</td> <td>$9,663.64</td> <td>$6,884.03</td> <td>$7,240.84</td> <td>$9,268.51</td> <td>$9,501.01</td> <td>$9,610.55</td> <td>$11,653.75</td> </tr> <tr> <td>BNB</td> <td>$19.25</td> <td>$12.55</td> <td>$17.02</td> <td>$17.12</td> <td>$15.41</td> <td>$20.67</td> <td>$23.14</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Binance Coin’s performance around the Bitcoin Halving event shows an interesting trend. BNB started strong with $19.25 in February before experiencing a market downturn in March. By April, it was in a recovery phase before dropping again in price after the Halving.<br /> <br /> However, two months after the Halving, there was a notable rise with July and August showcasing then all-time highs. This upward trajectory suggests that BNB, with its ties to the Binance exchange ecosystem, benefits from the increased trading activity and investor interest that often accompany Bitcoin halving events.<br /> <br /> The role of market sentiment cannot be understated, especially in the cryptocurrency industry. As Bitcoin's Halving generates media buzz and fosters discussions about scarcity and value, investor behaviour leans towards optimism.<br /> <br /> This sentiment is then mirrored in the altcoin markets, where investors, expecting a similar scarcity-induced appreciation, may turn their attention to altcoins like ETH, XRP, ADA, and BNB. The market historically witnesses a surge in trading volumes and, consequently, prices across a range of cryptocurrencies, as investors diversify their portfolios in search of gains.<br /> <br /> It is important, however, to note that while there is a correlation, it is not a direct causation. Altcoins are influenced by their own unique set of factors, and Bitcoin's halving is just one of them. Each altcoin has its unique ecosystem and fundamentals that play a significant role in its price determination. For instance, Ethereum's shift to Ethereum 2.0 and its proof-of-stake model is an intrinsic value proposition that can affect its price independently of Bitcoin's Halving events.<br /> <br /> Access a wide range of cryptocurrency coins when you sign up with ThinkMarkets. Conquer the market and identify trading opportunities with our advanced charting interface, powerful tools, and exclusive features now!</p>

Navigating the 2024 Halving: How to Trade Bitcoin's Big Event
<p paraeid="{5a322cb4-ebc8-4477-bc6a-908a3b9a4601}{227}" paraid="1424858045">As April 2024 approaches, the term Bitcoin Halving is gaining extra traction. Crypto traders and enthusiasts alike are waiting in bated breath for the Halving event’s impact not just on BTC’s price, but on altcoins as well. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{2}" paraid="2102964511">But what exactly is Bitcoin Halving and why is it important? In simple terms, it is an event hardcoded into Bitcoin’s blockchain protocol which reduces a miner’s rewards by half every four years. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{18}" paraid="608511683">This event adds a scarcity element into the cryptocurrency generating massive appeal and significantly affects the price of BTC. For more information on Bitcoin Halving, read our beginner’s guide here. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{24}" paraid="1312720657">Historically, the last three Bitcoin Halving events which happened in 2012, 2016, and 2020 have caused both short- and long-term volatility. Read here to get a comprehensive overview of BTC’s price during the first three Halvings. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{38}" paraid="1137844410">In this article, we’ll go through some insights on how to trade the 2024 Bitcoin Halving event. <br /> </p> <h2>Preparing for the 2024 Halving</h2> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{60}" paraid="50837725">As the 2024 Bitcoin Halving approaches, there is widespread anticipation for a bullish run. Diving into the historical data and examining how previous Halvings impacted the price of Bitcoin and other altcoins can help identify patterns. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{86}" paraid="406758674">Do you have a trading strategy in plan? Check out how they would’ve fared during the past Halving events using <a href="/en/learn-to-trade/articles/traders-gym/" rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank">Traders’ Gym</a>, our backtesting tool, exclusively available on ThinkTrader Web. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{105}" paraid="302886376">Additionally, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for crucial developments within the Bitcoin ecosystem, such as changes in mining technology or regulatory updates. <br /> </p> <h2>Basic Tools and Indicators to Master before the Halving</h2> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{129}" paraid="873999985">Here are the basic tools and indicators that are essential for monitoring the crypto market. Achieving mastery of these tools will help you gain a basic understanding of how the market might move leading to and after the Bitcoing Halving event. <br /> </p> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{145}" paraid="1227863675">With a ThinkTrader account, you get free access to TradingView’s powerful charting interface, equipped with advanced trading tools and features. <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="1"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="1" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="1" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{155}" paraid="370002707">Price and Volume Charts <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{166}" paraid="548849887">Visualise past and present price movements so you can identify patterns and trends. <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="2"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="1" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{178}" paraid="707903167">Moving Averages (SMA and EMA) <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{187}" paraid="816925228">Simple and Exponential Moving Averages can help smooth out price data over specific periods, i.e. before and after the halving, providing insights into the overall direction of the market. <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="3"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="1" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{219}" paraid="797675934">Relative Strength Index (RSI) <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{226}" paraid="1284535900">This momentum indicator can help identify whether BTC and other altcoins are overbought or oversold, offering clues on whether there’s an imminent price surge or downturn. </p> <h2 paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{226}" paraid="1284535900">Risk Mitigation During the Bitcoin Halving Event </h2> <p paraeid="{831b4ef8-5fb2-461b-9e3b-76564a87d13c}{246}" paraid="1294906623">The Halving event can lead to high volatility in the cryptocurrency market. If you’re planning to trade cryptocurrencies, make sure you apply these risk management strategies: <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="1"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="1" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{19}" paraid="627052113">Set take profit and stop loss orders <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{26}" paraid="51518790">The crypto market moves fast. Setting take profit and stop loss orders will help you to secure profits and/or avoid bigger-than-expected losses. TP and SL orders help you exit positions at a predetermined price level without you constantly having to monitor the charts. <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="2"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="2" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{38}" paraid="117793369">Diversify your portfolio <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{45}" paraid="326773893">While the main focus of the Halving is on Bitcoin, diversifying your portfolio is always ideal. Try to explore altcoins such as ETH, XRP, ADA, or BNB. You can read our guide on how the Bitcoin Halving event affects altcoins here. <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="3"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="3" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{59}" paraid="665018224">Use leverage cautiously <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{66}" paraid="2133792347">ThinkMarkets offers crypto traders leverage as high as 50:1. This can amplify gains but also lead to larger losses. It’s recommended that you open smaller positions, especially in highly volatile markets. <br /> </p> <ol role="list" start="4"> <li aria-setsize="-1" data-aria-level="1" data-aria-posinset="4" data-font="" data-leveltext="%1." data-list-defn-props="{"335552541":0,"335559684":-1,"335559685":720,"335559991":360,"469769242":[65533,0],"469777803":"left","469777804":"%1.","469777815":"hybridMultilevel"}" data-listid="2" role="listitem"> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{84}" paraid="1701944390">Stay up to date <br /> </p> </li> </ol> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{91}" paraid="739956552">When trading cryptocurrencies, it’s crucial to keep yourself updated with market news and developments. This can help provide insights into potential price movements and allow you to adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, governments and financial institutions accepting crypto can increase its appeal, thus causing a price surge. On the other hand, stricter regulations or outright banning of cryptocurrencies can lead to downturns. </p> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{117}" paraid="1451762027"> </p> <p paraeid="{c1fe1201-e06c-4fb7-b0cd-7a7710b8a228}{121}" paraid="662450524">Trade the Bitcoin Halving event with ThinkMarkets to gain access to advanced trading tools, automatic risk management features, and the latest market news. </p>

How to trade crypto CFDs on the weekend
<p>The cryptocurrency market is known for its non-stop nature, allowing traders to trade 24/7.</p> <p>For those interested in trading crypto CFDs (Contracts for Difference) on weekends, the opportunities and risks can differ from regular crypto trading.</p> <p>This article explores how you can effectively trade crypto CFDs during the weekend and presents the benefits as well as the strategies you can use to maximise your potential.</p> <h2>What are crypto CFDs?</h2> <p>Crypto CFDs are financial instruments that allow you to speculate on the price movements of cryptocurrencies without needing to own them.</p> <p>When trading a CFD, you enter a contract with a broker to exchange the difference in the price of a cryptocurrency between when you open and close the position. This makes it possible to trade in both rising and falling markets.</p> <h2>Why trade crypto CFDs on weekends?</h2> <p>CFD trading on weekends offers several advantages and comes with risks unique to the weekend market.</p> <p>CFDs allow you to trade with <strong>leverage</strong>, meaning you can open larger positions with a smaller initial investment. This can lead to significant gains if the market moves in your favour, but it also increases the risk of losses.</p> <p>Trading CFDs on weekends offers <strong>flexibility</strong> to those with busy weekday schedules. It also allows traders to react to price movements that occur only during what would traditionally be “off-hours.”</p> <p>Weekends can bring <strong>higher volatility</strong> due to lower trading volumes and fewer market participants. This volatility can present trading opportunities for those who know how to manage their risks. CFD traders can gain from both rising and falling prices, which can be advantageous during unpredictable market movements.</p> <p>With CFDs, you can make gains from both bull (rising) and bear (falling) markets. This means there are more opportunities to gain from high volatility, regardless of whether prices are going up or down.</p> <p>Lastly, trading CFDs means you don’t need to own the underlying cryptocurrency you want to trade. This allows you to speculate on the price without issues such as storing cryptocurrencies, managing crypto wallets, or worrying about the security of your assets.</p> <h2>Where can you trade crypto CFDs on weekends?</h2> <p>Brokers like ThinkMarkets offer 24/7 access to crypto CFD trading, including weekends. For example, with ThinkMarkets you can trade various cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, with leverage to take advantage of weekend price movements.</p> <p>Trading crypto CFDs is done through a trading platform. ThinkTrader is the ideal platform for crypto CFD trading with ThinkMarkets. It offers advanced charting tools, risk management features, and a streamlined, user-friendly interface for a smooth trading experience. Additionally, it allows you to automate your trading strategies, so you don’t have to constantly monitor the market.</p> <h2>Risks of trading crypto CFDs on weekends</h2> <p>During weekends, liquidity can be significantly lower because of fewer traders participating. This <strong>lower liquidity</strong> can lead to wider spreads, making it more costly to open and close positions. It also means that large trades can have a more significant impact on market prices, which can often lead to slippage.</p> <p>Trading with <strong>leverage</strong> magnifies both gains and losses. While leverage can increase potential returns, it can also increase the risk of significant losses. During weekends, trading with leverage requires careful risk management to avoid unwanted results.</p> <p><strong>Price gaps</strong> can occur more frequently over weekends, especially during low-volume hours. A price gap happens when the market price makes a significant move up or down without any trading in between. This can result in your stop-loss orders being executed at a worse price than expected.</p> <h2>Strategies for trading crypto CFDs on weekends</h2> <p><strong>Swing trading</strong> is a popular strategy for weekend trading. It involves holding a position for several hours or days to capture price swings. Swing trading allows you to take advantage of short-term price movements that occur during these periods. Using technical indicators like Bollinger Bands and Moving Averages can help you identify entry and exit points.</p> <p>If you already hold a crypto position, you can use CFDs for <strong>hedging</strong> against potential losses. For example, if you own Bitcoin and are concerned about a potential drop in its price over the weekend, you can open a short position to offset any losses. Hedging helps you protect your investments during periods of uncertainty.</p> <p><strong>Automated trading bots</strong> can be particularly useful for weekend CFD trading. Many platforms allow you to set up bots that execute trades based on predefined parameters. This is beneficial for managing the rapid price movements that can occur over the weekend. Automated bots can also help remove emotional bias from your trading decisions.</p> <p>Weekend trading often leads to the formation of price ranges. <strong>Range trading</strong> involves identifying support and resistance levels and trading within that range. This strategy can be effective if you notice that the price is bouncing between two levels. This allows you to buy at support and sell at resistance.</p> <h2>5 tips for successful weekend crypto CFD trading</h2> <h3>Use stop-loss and take-profit orders</h3> <p>These are tools to help you manage your risk. They will automatically close your positions once your preset profit or loss level is reached. Due to the unpredictability of the weekend market, setting these orders can help protect your capital.</p> <h3>Monitor key market news</h3> <p>Weekend markets can be heavily influenced by news events, such as regulatory announcements or unexpected developments in the crypto space. Staying informed by following crypto news sites and social media channels may help you react quicker to any major market-moving event.</p> <h3>Avoid overleveraging</h3> <p>Leverage can be tempting, especially during times of high volatility, but it is essential to use it wisely. Overleveraging can lead to larger losses if the market moves against you. Always use leverage with caution and consider reducing your position size during particularly volatile times.</p> <h3>Monitor spreads</h3> <p>As previously mentioned, spreads can widen over weekends. Therefore, make sure to check the spread before placing your trade. High spreads mean higher costs, so this is important to factor into your strategy.</p> <h3>Use technical analysis tools</h3> <p>Technical analysis tools like RSI (Relative Strength Index), MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence), and Fibonacci retracements can help you better identify rising opportunities. These tools are especially useful on weekends when fundamental analysis might be less effective due to fewer participants.</p>

What is Trump Coin, and should you trade it?
<p>$TRUMP (ThinkMarkets: TRUMPUSD) took the world by storm when it launched on 17 January, just days before Trump was set to take office for a second time. There were many controversies, particularly around whether a sitting US president should cash in on his fame – especially with a highly speculative product like a cryptocurrency coin. The Trump organisation stood to make millions, while buyers risked losing it all.</p> <p>On the positive side, many who had previously been on the sidelines regarding crypto now had a stake in it, helping drive mass adoption. However, until now, only sophisticated users have been able to profit from its launch.</p> <p>The coin started trading at $0.18 and surged to roughly $75, allowing early investors to ride the wave and turn nothing into something. Since then, the market has crashed alongside other cryptos, but why is $TRUMP still an interesting trading and investment opportunity? That’s what we’ll uncover in this article.</p> <h2>Understanding Trump Coin ($TRUMP)</h2> <h3>What is Trump Coin?</h3> <p>Trump Coin is a meme coin created by President Trump’s team and launched on 17 January 2025, just a few days before he took office. Trump announced the coin via his Truth Social account, stating:</p> <p>"It’s time to celebrate everything we stand for: WINNING! Join my very special Trump Community. GET YOUR $TRUMP NOW."</p> <p>The message also included a link to a Solana address—something only experienced crypto users typically use.</p> <p>Like other meme coins, $TRUMP does not offer any utility. Instead, it is something one can collect for the sake of collecting, much like children collect Pokémon, football, or ice hockey cards. These items have value for collectors as they support a team or sport, or in the case of Pokémon, they can be used to play a game.</p> <p>Speculators, on the other hand, bought the coin hoping that many of Trump’s followers would do the same. If there are more buyers than sellers, the price rises—and indeed, the coin surged from approximately $0.18 to $75.35 within days, according to the New York Post.</p> <p>Trump’s decision to launch a coin was seen as both a show of support for the crypto community and an opportunity to capitalise on his popularity. He has been selling “Trump” merchandise for years, and this was just another lucrative product.</p> <p>With only 20% of the coins in circulation, traded amongst speculators and followers, the Trump organisation retained the lion’s share—80% to be exact. Hypothetically, if the 800 million reserved tokens were fully unlocked at the all-time high of $75.35, their total value would have been approximately $60.28 billion. However, that was not the case, as the coins will gradually unlock starting in March. This could create downward pressure on the coin as the organisation attempts to cash in.</p> <h3>A key coin on the Solana blockchain</h3> <p>Given Ethereum’s high gas fees, $TRUMP Coin was launched on the Solana blockchain. Several coins and projects have been launched on Solana in recent years, as it is significantly cheaper for developers and end users. Other notable meme coins within the same ecosystem include Dogwifhat (WIF) and Bonk (BONK).</p> <p>Choosing Solana over Ethereum is a strategic move that highlights Solana’s growing dominance. While not fully decentralised, Solana is gaining market share from Ethereum. Since the start of 2023, Ethereum has gained 124% - a solid performance. But Solana? It has surged by an incredible 1,872% over the same period. The difference is staggering.</p> <h3>Why community matters for $Trump?</h3> <p>A strong community is essential for sustaining price levels and attracting new buyers. While Trump’s supporters are numerous, broader adoption is necessary for the coin to outperform other altcoins during market downturns.</p> <h2>How to trade Trump Coin</h2> <h3>Where to buy & sell $TRUMP?</h3> <p>Trump Coin is available on ThinkMarkets as a CFD product, allowing you to trade the price movements of the coin without owning the underlying asset. The benefit is that within the same ThinkMarkets trading account, you can hold more than one position across different assets, so you can trade Trump one day and later trade the Nasdaq 100, EURUSD, Gold, or another crypto. Moreover, ThinkMarkets is regulated by several of the largest regulators, which can offer you more protection than unregulated crypto exchanges that don’t follow strict procedures.</p> <h3>Exchanges vs. ThinkMarkets: which is better?</h3> <p>It depends on what you aim to achieve. If you want to hold the coin for years and don’t mind major price swings, then buying via an exchange is best. If you’re looking to trade short-term price movements, ThinkMarkets is the better choice, offering advanced charts, market news, and trading tools.</p> <p>ThinkMarkets also provides access to leveraged trading, allowing traders to control a larger position than their initial deposit. However, leverage magnifies both risks and potential returns. Another advantage is the ability to trade multiple financial instruments with the same funds, rather than being locked into a single asset.</p> <h4>Steps to trade Trump Coin on ThinkTrader</h4> <p>Joining ThinkMarkets is easy and, often, does not require any KYC*, meaning you don't need to identify yourself until you withdraw your funds.</p> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Register here</a></li> <li>Choose one of the available trading platforms we offer. We recommend our own platform, Think Trader.</li> <li>Fund your account. Deposit via card, bank transfer, or use crypto like USDT.</li> </ul> <h4>Opening a TRUMP/USD position on ThinkTrader</h4> <p>Once your account is funded, search for “Trump” in the ThinkTrader platform.</p> <p><img alt="Opening a TRUMP/USD position on ThinkTrader" src="/getmedia/f5343c4f-aeaf-4df2-8fe0-65a2768957e7/Academy-Crypto-Opening-TRUMP-USD-position-on-ThinkTrader.png" /></p> <p>Then, on your right, you will see an order window with the latest price, which at the time of writing was $17.90. Under the amount, you choose how many coins you wish to buy. In the example below, we have selected the minimum, a 1/10 of a coin.</p> <p>By toggling “Take profit”, you may add a price level, e.g. $20, so when the market reaches this price level, the trading platform automatically closes your position.</p> <p>You may also add a “Stop Loss”, which is an order that is placed at a lower level than your entry, e.g. $16, so if the price trades below this level, the trading platform automatically closes your position. You don’t need to be logged in for this to function. Moreover, is a perk that is not offered if you hold coins in a crypto wallet.</p> <p>Another advantage is that you can “short” with ThinkMarkets. You do this simply by pressing “Sell” instead of “Buy”. If you do this, and the price indeed turns lower, you make a positive return, while if the price turns higher, you incur a loss. The sell order function is used when you think the price of an instrument is about to decline and you wish to exploit this.</p> <p><img alt="The sell order function" src="/getmedia/4dad5797-100f-47d4-89eb-0ed7b10ecd1f/Academy-Crypto-Trump-coin-sell-order-function.png" /></p> <h2>Benefits of trading Trump Coin over holding it</h2> <p>Trump Coin’s high volatility creates both opportunities and risks. This is the nature of meme coins and crypto in general – while some traders have made millions, many others have lost money. However, this risk-reward dynamic keeps traders engaged.</p> <p>Another reason $TRUMP remains interesting is Trump’s loyal following. At the time of writing, the general crypto market was down, yet when and if crypto turns up once more, TRUMPUSD is likely to follow, as his fan base would still be there. Other Meme coins lack this fan base, especially in recent times when more and more people are launching meme coins, which draw interest and liquidity from established coins.</p> <h2>Risks & considerations</h2> <p>High returns come with high risks. The best strategy in these situations is to trade only with money you can afford to lose. For example, losing one to three months’ wages is unlikely to impact your lifestyle, but gaining that amount could significantly enhance your quality of life. This makes it a practical benchmark for investment decisions.</p> <p>When trading, there are ways to mitigate risk. The best approach is to have a time-tested trading strategy – one that provides clear guidance on where to enter the market and where to place stop-loss and take-profit orders. These can be learned through books, YouTube, and other online resources. The key is to test the system by looking at historical setups before applying it to real markets. Below, we will highlight some strategies.</p> <h3>Trading strategies for new & intermediate traders</h3> <h4>Portfolio diversification & risk management for passive investors</h4> <p>Suppose an investor was looking for a passive strategy to earn from Trump and avoid trading the coin. They would simply buy for the amount they have invested with ThinkMarkets, e.g. a 2000-dollar investment to buy a Trump coin worth 2000 dollars. Yet if the same investors wanted to build a more balanced portfolio with less risk, then they would allocate a fraction, such as one-tenth of the investment, about, e.g. 200 USD to trump coin and hold the rest in the S&P 500 CFD (US500, in Thinkmarkets) and maybe some in Gold. The actual allocation depends on what the investor would like to accomplish in terms of risk and return and how active they want to be. The key point, however, is that they would not use leverage, e.g. hold positions that match their investment. This ensures they can hold the portfolio forever. Using leverage would expose the risk of a liquidation of the portfolio. It is also important to note that using a CFD portfolio will incur financing costs.</p> <h4>Strategies for traders</h4> <p>Intermediate traders look for signals when the Trump coin is about to move to the upside. For this, traders use technical analysis, and the simplest of strategies is to use trend lines. We will explain the concept below, but it is essential to know trendlines as just one part of a strategy. The example below, while relevant, needs to be combined with other tools.</p> <p>To use trendlines, in ThinkTrader, we need to use this function:</p> <p><img alt="How to use trendlines, in ThinkTrader" src="/getmedia/7d18fe4b-4377-4270-a387-7c2d5df37b75/Academy-Crypto-Trump-coin-use-trendlines-in-ThinkTrader.png" /></p> <p>Then we draw a trendline through the highs when the price is moving downward and wait for a breakout, which signals a potential trend reversal. In the image below, we drew a trendline through the highs and observed that the price stopped declining and began to move sideways. However, the biggest challenge with this strategy is that there may be multiple breakouts of falling trendlines before the price truly starts to rise.</p> <p><img alt="multiple breakouts of falling trendlines" src="/getmedia/011c41e3-c980-4e9c-9928-66871b311775/Academy-Crypto-Trump-coin-multiple-breakouts-of-falling-trendlines.png " /></p> <p>It is still valuable to draw these lines as they help indicate where a decline might end. However, for trading, confirmation comes when trendlines can be drawn from the lows, as seen below. In this setup, the price is rebounding from the lows, and the general strategy is to buy near the trendline with a stop placed below the key low, in this case, the $16.44 level.</p> <p><img alt="price is rebounding from the lows" src="/getmedia/d75137bf-fcf2-4022-9442-7ccac2dd5527/Academy-Crypto-Trump-coin-the-price-is-rebounding-from-the-lows.png" /></p> <p>The strategy just described is a basic system that tends to work better in an upward-trending market, especially when factoring in support and resistance levels. Another key element is tracking BTC and ETH. When these major coins move higher, the chances of meme coins like Trump coin following suit increase significantly.</p> <h3>Staying updated with market trends & news</h3> <p>Trump Coin, with all its allure, is still one of many instruments traders and investors can use to reach their financial goals. The universe of investable assets is large, and sometimes, there are better opportunities elsewhere. To stay on top of the markets, click <a href="/au/market-news/">here</a>.</p> <h2>Conclusion</h2> <p>Trump coin is a prime example of a meme coin; it may turn some buyers into millionaires and the majority into losers, with a minimal initial investment. The savvy traders will use its volatility to extract returns while keeping risks low. The coin's allure is that it will likely hold interest longer than other meme coins based on Trump’s enormous fan base. Traders looking for the highest risk and returns should study it, while traders and investors looking for less risk should focus on other coins or instruments such as the S&P 500 (ThinkMarkets: US500).</p> <br /> <br /> <p>*EU/UK/ZA/AU excluded, and KYC is required.</p>